이 누리집은 대한민국 공식 전자정부 누리집입니다.

한상넷 로고한상넷

[호주] KKDC, Office Clerk / Assistant (2명, 무관)

● 자격요건
•학력 : 무관
•외국어능력 :
 <필수> 영어 - 상 : 영어로 업무 가능

● 근무조건
•급여사항(년) : 협의
•지역 : 호주
•계약기간 : [계약직] 12개월
•근무시간 : Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm

● 접수기간 : 2018-01-18 ~ 2018-02-28 

● 직종: 사무 보조원

● 모집인원 : 2명

● 주요업무내용
THE COMPANY (www.kkdc.lighting/ www.kkdc.com.au)
KKDC is one of the finest LED luminaire manufacturer and supplier globally based with having branches in 13 different regions around the globe. KKDC Pty Ltd., its Australian branch has been established in 2004 in Milsons Point, NSW
Currently, we are seeking employees who can fill in following positions. This opportunity will suit candidates with positive attitude and good work ethic, looking for a long term relationship.

Position: Office Clerk / Assistant
Employment type: Fixed term contract (with possibility of hiring as permanent job position)
Availability: 1-2 positions
Office Location: Chippendale
Job Description:
- Assisting internal sales staff for data entries, i.e., sales data, order processing, logistics, invoice entries; 
- Assisting sales Admin for paper work including but not limited quotation, reports and sales statement;
- Logistics including receiving, packing and dispatching products;
- Receiving and making calls for customers
- Assisting other miscellaneous day to day sales office tasks under the instruction and direction of sales staff.

● 그 외 자격요건
- Available for full time working hours per week from Monday to Friday, subject to discussion and agreement at the interview
- Bilingual in English and Korean for both written and verbal communication
- Appropriate visa status eligible for an employment (We don’t provide visa support)

Terms and conditions:
- Wage: AUD 18.29 per hour to begin with
- All other terms and conditions to be in line with minimum requirements set by NSW Fair Work Commission.

● 진행방법
1) 월드잡(http://www.worldjob.or.kt) 회원가입
2) 로그인 후 국문이력서 작성 (STEP1 ~ STEP5 완료)
3) 해외채용정보에서 모집건 클릭
4) 지원하기

● 문의처 글로벌일자리지원국 콜센터 : 1577-9997
     (채용기업 담당자 연락처는 기업의 요구에 따라 공개하지 않습니다.)

● 담당자  KOTRA

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