이 누리집은 대한민국 공식 전자정부 누리집입니다.

한상넷 로고한상넷

[태국] Getlinks, Technical Copy Writer(1명, 성별무관)

● 자격요건
•학력 : 대학(교)졸업
•경력 : 2년이상 ~ 4년이하
•외국어능력 :
<필수> 영어 - 최상 : 전문용어 해석 가능
<선택> 타이어 - 중상 : 현지인과 대화 가능

● 근무조건
•급여사항(년) : 협의
•지역 : 태국
•계약기간 : [정규직]
•근무시간 : 9 시간/일

● 접수기간 : 2018-01-11 ~ 2018-02-01  

● 직종: 광고 및 홍보 사무원

● 모집인원 : 1명

● 주요업무내용
•Creating concise, eye-catching, and innovative headlines and body copy
•Researching and organizing facts and sources
•Interviewing sources
•Researching and writing about tech talents , coding languages , startup world.
•Consistently brainstorming and collaborating with team for new ideas and strategies
•Building a following for brand on social media with creative work
•Researching tech and startup markets and industries to compare and create content that is innovative and original
•Collaborating with campaign managers, creative team, and designers
•Writing a wide variety of topics for multiple platforms (website, blogs, articles, social updates, banners, case studies, guides, white papers, etc.

● 그 외 자격요건
•Excellent verbal and written communication skills
•Exceptional command of the English language. Ability to write in other languages an added advantage.
•Creative and innovative thinker and planner
•Confident in producing work across multiple platforms
•Able to align GetLinks brand strategies and ideas
•Assists marketing members when needed to accomplish team goals through creative content.
•Able to multitask, prioritize, and manage time efficiently
•Self-motivated and self-directed
•High school degree or equivalent; Bachelor’s degree in creative writing, journalism, English, or related field preferred
•2- 4 years of experience writing for a large agency , startup or corporation
•Ability to work independently or as an active member of a team
•Proficient computer skills, including Microsoft Office Suite (Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Excel) and Google Docs and new tools like Penmob.
•Good interpersonal skills and communication with all levels of management
•Able to work in a fast-paced environment
•Strict adherence to company policies and style
•Extensive knowledge of the GetLinks company, brand, and product preferred
•Ideal candidate will have a positive attitude and be a problem-solver
•Preferred Background from tech media companies or startups

● 진행방법
1) 월드잡(http://www.worldjob.or.kt) 회원가입
2) 로그인 후 국문이력서 작성 (STEP1 ~ STEP5 완료)
3) 해외채용정보에서 모집건 클릭
4) 지원하기

● 문의처 글로벌일자리지원국 콜센터 : 1577-9997
     (채용기업 담당자 연락처는 기업의 요구에 따라 공개하지 않습니다.)

● 담당자  KOTRA

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