이 누리집은 대한민국 공식 전자정부 누리집입니다.

한상넷 로고한상넷

[미국] 부동산업체 Marketing and Sales 모집

● 자격요건
•학력 : 무관
•외국어능력 :
 <필수> 영어 - 최상 : 업무와 관련된 상황에서 효과적인 의사소통 가능

● 근무조건
•급여사항(년) : 협의
•지역 : 미국
•계약기간 : [인턴] 12개월
•근무시간 : 9:30 am-6:30 pm

● 접수기간 : 2017-12-28 ~ 2018-01-15  

● 직종: 영업관리 사무원

● 모집인원 : 3명

● 주요업무내용
The Marketing Intern will assist the Managing Director and Real Estate Sales Team in executing marketing programs, both online and offline, including email, cold callings, display, print, direct mail, scheduling, showings, social media. We are looking for someone that can help to make strong & competitive advertisements for our Real Estate team and any ad-hoc online marketing projects as needed. . This person will also contribute ideas for viral and social networking events.

Additionally, this position will assist with competitive market research and gathering/analyzing marketing data via research. They will also assist in taking inbound phone calls from clients and landlords as well as building managements, answering inquiries or offering further assistance by transferring our finding out answers. They will assist in various functional roles in the company to complete urgent and regular tasks assigned to you. They will interface with all levels of the company.

● 그 외 자격요건
 - J-1비자 신청자격 요건에 해당하는 자
Current marketing student or college graduate with marketing experience.
Proficient experience with Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Photoshop and other graphic design packages are preferred.
A strong desire and passion to work in the marketing or web agency or real estate business, including web application development and internet marketing is critical.
Experience with marketing, PR, account management, or advertising or real estate industry a plus.
Historical and leadership roles in school, groups, and/or community a plus.
A web enthusiast who understand the concepts of “e Business” and web based applications. Ability to quickly learn and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of design applications
Able to act independently and complete multiple projects simultaneously. And Accepts responsibility and demonstrates excellent follow-through.

Excellent written and oral communication and presentation skills. And High energy individuals with a can-do attitude.

● 진행방법
1) 월드잡(http://www.worldjob.or.kt) 회원가입
2) 로그인 후 국문이력서 작성 (STEP1 ~ STEP5 완료)
3) 해외채용정보에서 모집건 클릭
4) 지원하기

● 문의처 글로벌일자리지원국 콜센터 : 1577-9997
     (채용기업 담당자 연락처는 기업의 요구에 따라 공개하지 않습니다.)

● 담당자  박희영

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