이 누리집은 대한민국 공식 전자정부 누리집입니다.

한상넷 로고한상넷

[말레이시아] Manpower Customer Support Agent - Korean 모집 (1명, 무관)

● 자격요건
•학력 : 전문대학졸업
•외국어능력 :
 <필수> 영어 - 중상 : 영어 업무 가능자

● 근무조건
•급여사항(년) : 협의
•지역 : 말레이시아
•계약기간 : [정규직]
•근무시간 : 시프트 근무

● 접수기간 : 2017-12-15 ~ 2017-12-29 

● 직종: 모니터 요원

● 모집인원 : 1명

● 주요업무내용
· Excellent native-level written and verbal communication skills in language of support, with min 1 year of experience in customer support for said language (chat, voice, email) working with direct consumers (B2C).
· Incredible communicator:
· Must exhibit active listening, be able to probe effectively and handle issues and complaints in a courteous, professional and friendly manner.
· Must be able to grasp complex and sometimes technical concepts, and relate them to our users and partners in an easily understandable way.
· Problem solver, able to multi-task, think creatively and escalate issues and ideas to solve these issues.
· We are looking for self-starters who want to contribute to making better for users and partners and won’t hesitate to speak up to make our support organization better.
· Strong customer/user focus with the desire to help and put users and partners first. Ability to empathize and relate to users and partners is key.
· Tech-savvy, our agents should love and be regular users of our platform.
· Team player with ability to work in a fast-paced, collaborative and constantly evolving environment
· Strong work ethic and ability to work with minimal supervision.

● 그 외 자격요건
관련 업계 유경험자 환영
말레이시아 기거주자 환영

● 진행방법
1) 월드잡(WWW.WORLDJOB.OR.KR) 회원가입
2) 로그인 후 이력서 작성 (STEP 1~5 완료)
3) 해외채용정보에서 모집건 클릭
4) 지원하기

● 문의처 글로벌일자리지원국 콜센터 : 1577-9997
     (채용기업 담당자 연락처는 기업의 요구에 따라 공개하지 않습니다.)

● 담당자  KOTRA

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