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한상넷 로고한상넷

[미국] AAV Full Rate Production


공고명: AAV Full Rate Production

게시일: 2017/11/06

마감일: 2017/11/27

수행지역; 미국

카테고리: 31 - 제조부품



Solicitation Number :


Notice Type :

Sources Sought


Synopsis :

Added: Nov 03, 2017 3:16 pm
NOTE: THIS IS NOT A SOLICITATION FOR PROPOSALS. THIS IS A SOURCES SOUGHT ONLY. This Request for Information (RFI) is for planning and informational purposes only, and shall not be considered as a request for proposal or as an obligation on the part of the Government to acquire any products or services. No entitlement to payment of direct or indirect costs or charges by the Government will arise as a result of contractor submission of responses to this RFI or the Government's use of such information. No contract will be awarded from this announcement. Pursuant to Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) 15.201(e), responses to this RFI are not offers and cannot be accepted by the Government to form a binding contract. 1.0 INTRODUCTION: The Amphibious Assault Vehicle (AAV) Survivability Upgrade (SU) Program is an Acquisition Category III program. The Marine Corps' Assault Amphibious Vehicle (AAV7A1) Family of Vehicles fleet consists of three (3) variants: Personnel Carrier (P7), Command and Control (C7), and Recovery (R7). Science Applications International Corporation, Incorporated (SAIC) is currently providing a SU material solution to the Marine Corps AAV P7 and C7 variants under Contract M67854-14-C-0002. The AAV SU is an upgrade for crew/troop force protection and survivability. The AAV SU provides enhanced protection to the crew and embarked Marines with increased underbelly armor, blast mitigating seats, external fuel cells, and redesigned external armor. 1.1 Purpose: This RFI constitutes market research in accordance with FAR Part 10 and is not a Request for Proposal (RFP). Program Executive Officer Land Systems is issuing this RFI, as part of the AAV SU Program, to assess industry's capability to produce approximately 357 AAV SU full rate production (FRP) vehicles, and provide engineering; integration and testing; logistics; maintenance training devices and updates; and program management support services, as needed. 1.2 Objective: Data submitted in response to this RFI will be used to assess the marketplace environment for providing the U.S. Marine Corps (Marine Corps) with approximately 357 AAV SU FRP vehicles, and for providing the engineering; integration and testing; logistics; maintenance training devices and updates; and program management support services, as needed for the vehicles. 1.3 Key Events: The anticipated contract award date for FRP is June 2019 in order to meet operational need dates for delivery of AAV SU FRP vehicles to the Operating Forces in April of 2020. 2.0 BACKGROUND: A Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) option lot quantity of 18 vehicles was exercised in fourth quarter FY17 with a contract end date of second quarter FY18. An LRIP option lot quantity of 30 vehicles may be exercised upon successful completion of the current LRIP lot. The LRIP vehicles are being built and tested by SAIC in accordance with the Government's AAV SU performance specification and Statement of Work. 2.1 Concept of Operations: The AAV provides ship-to-objective armored transport for the Ground Combat Element. The mobility of the AAV SU allows the vehicle to operate effectively with M1A1 main battle tanks and other motorized/mechanized forces as well as the conduct of mounted security operations in urban or restrictive terrain alongside wheeled and tracked vehicles of the MAGTF. The AAV SU will support the volume and weight associated with twenty Marines (seventeen embarked infantry and three crewmen) with full combat load, one additional day of supply, and mission essential equipment. The AAV SU will continue to operate as part of the maneuver task forces built around the Marine Infantry battalion and facilitate maneuver throughout a given operating area to include the ability to cross rivers and inland waterways. 2.2 Design, Test and Manufacturing Data: An AAV SU Preliminary Design Review (PDR)/Critical Design Review (CDR) phase was competitively awarded to two vendors in May of 2014. Both contracts for PDR/CDR also contained options for the Engineering, Maintenance and Design Prototype and LRIP vehicle builds. In late February 2015, SAIC's option to apply survivability upgrades to 10 prototype units was exercised. As such SAIC was responsible for the design, development, test support, spares, electrical upgrade, training, and operator and maintenance manuals. SAIC is responsible for performing all aspects of system integration. SAIC has asserted rights to technical data and software it intends to use in the design and development of the AAV SU. Thus, the Government has limited rights in technical data. Some of the data remains proprietary and is not releasable to sources outside the Government. 3.0 REQUESTED INFORMATION: Interested firms are requested to provide information that identifies their capability and ability to: 1) manufacture production configured AAV SU vehicles that meet the requirements described in paragraph 1.1 and 1.2 above; 2) conduct minimal land and water mobility testing; 3) meet the Government's delivery schedule of producing no more than 80 production vehicles per fiscal year; and 4) manufacture systems fully capable of meeting the Government's performance specifications identified in Attachment 1. Attachment 1 is available to responsible vendors upon request. Please submit request for Attachment 1 to Ms. Beverly Summerson, Contract Specialist, via e-mail at: beverly.summerson@usmc.mil no later than 5 days from date of posting. Responses shall not include classified data. Note: Attachment 1 has a security classification of For Official Use Only (FOUO). Only Contractors that are certified by the Joint Certification Program (JCP) administered by the Defense Logistic Information Service (DLIS) will be eligible to download documents marked Export Controlled. This certification establishes that a company is a U.S. or Canadian contractor eligible to receive unclassified technical data that is under the control of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) or the Canadian Department of National Defense (DND).Responses shall not include classified data. 3.1 Company Capabilities Statement (page limitation 40 pages, preferably less): Interested firms are requested to submit a brief capabilities statement to the Contracting Officer addressing the following: 3.1.1 Company Profile: Respondents are requested to provide a point-of-contact (POC) name, phone number, and e-mail address; and company profile to include the company name; company address; company business size; number of employees, annual revenue history, annual financial report, office location(s), Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number, and business classification (i.e., large, foreign, small, small disadvantaged, veteran owned, minority owned, etc.). 3.1.2 Technology Readiness Level and Manufacturing Readiness Level: Respondents are requested to provide a self-assessment as to the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL) of their solution in accordance with Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) MRL Deskbook 2016. 3.1.3 AAV SU Full Rate Production Vehicles (approximate quantity of 357): Respondents are requested to provide production and manufacturing information that addresses the following: Manufacturing Plan: Respondents are requested to provide their AAV SU FRP manufacturing plan identifying the approach for effective fabrication of the product design, addressing: special tools; assembly; critical processes; fabrication; manpower loading; subcontractor and vendor delivery schedules; and data, material, and equipment required from the Government to effectively meet the design and performance requirements. Furthermore respondents are requested to describe the advanced technology in manufacturing techniques, processes, and work systems planned for the next five years that would enhance the production of the AAV SU FRP vehicles and reduce cost. Quality Manufacturing Process: Respondents are requested to provide their plan for qualifying their FRP manufacturing process to confirm the adequacy of the production planning, tool design, manufacturing process, and procedures. Defect Control: Respondents are requested to provide a description of their program to be used to minimize and mitigate high defect rates in their FRP manufacturing process to minimize costs increases due to higher rework and scrap costs. Subcontractor Control: Respondents are requested to provide their approach for use and engagement of subcontractors in the manufacture and assembly of the FRP units. The response must address their organization and methodology for the following: managing subcontractors; plans for on-site evaluation of subcontractors; methods for ensuring visibility into subcontractor activities; and plans for program/production readiness reviews; and vendor audits. Piece-part Control: Respondents are requested to provide their plan for piece part control during the manufacture and assembly of the FRP units, to include provisions for screening of parts (especially mechanical and electrical components, as well as electronic devices) to ensure proper identification and use of standard items already in the Military Service logistics system. Tool Design: Respondents are requested to provide a detailed tooling plan defining the types and quantities of "hard" or "soft" tooling for each FRP manufacturing step. The plan must address tool configuration management and calibration and risk reduction measures. Item Unique Identification (IUID): Respondents are requested to provide their plan for implementation of IUID under the policy of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 211.274-1 through 211.274-4 and the provisions of DFARS Clause 252.211-7003. New and/or refurbished major end items, assemblies, subassemblies, and capital equipment will be assigned a Unique Identification Identifier (UII) before delivery of the items to the DoD. Special Test Equipment: Respondents are requested to provide a Special Test Equipment (STE) plan for supporting the FRP manufacturing process that tests each component (or final product) for performance after it has completed in-process tests and inspections, final assembly, and final visual inspection. Computer-Aided Manufacturing: Respondents are requested to identify how they will develop qualified design "drawing packages" (including drawings related material and process specifications), or computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) data without a common data base between the development contractor and the respondent. Manufacturing Screening: Respondents are requested to describe the manner and degree to which they will use Environmental Stress Screening (ESS) in the FRP manufacturing process for stimulating parts and workmanship defects in electronic assemblies and units to demonstrate that the electronics hardware performs on-demand to ensure that possible part type and vendor problems are discovered early. Risk: Respondents are requested to identify any risk(s) to schedule, cost and/or production associated with AAV SU FRP and provide a plan for mitigating those risks. Respondents are requested to include in their plan the risk associated with the absence of communication between the respondent's production/manufacturing engineering and the developer of the AAV SU LRIP vehicle. Manufacturing Data Requirements: Respondents are requested to identify their plan for manufacturing FRP systems considering the Government's limited rights in technical data and restricted rights to use computer software identified in paragraph 2.2 above while still meeting the operational delivery requirements identified in paragraph 1.3. Schedule Assessment: Respondents are requested to submit an assessment of the probability of meeting the key event dates identified in paragraph 1.3 with fully integrated, operational FRP units meeting all performance requirements in accordance with Attachment 1. 3.1.4 Government Furnished Data, Equipment, and Information: Respondents are requested to provide a comprehensive identification of the GFE, data, information, specifications, and material that would be required to produce and deliver FRP units. 3.1.5 Technical Data Rights: Respondents are requested to identify their strategy for ensuring the Government receives at a minimum Government Purpose rights for all components and software. Additionally, respondents are requested to identify any products or processes developed with independent research and development funding that will or may be used in production certification (through testing), delivery, and sustainment of the FRP units. 3.1.6 Estimated Cost: Respondents are requested to provide an estimated cost breakdown to manufacture approximately 357 FRP units and the engineering; integration and testing; logistics; maintenance training devices and updates; and program management support services, as needed for the vehicles. 4.0 RESPONSES: 4.1 Response Format: Interested firms which believe they are capable of providing AAV SU FRP vehicles in accordance with the Attachment 1 performance specifications are invited to express their interest by responding to this RFI in one volume with three separate sections titled "Company Capabilities Statement", "Schedule Assessment," and "Cost Estimate" in Microsoft Word, Office 2010-compatible format. The combined sections must not exceed 40 pages. 4.2 Proprietary Markings: Please be advised that any proprietary information must be marked as such on a page-by-page basis. The Government will not assume that any of the information provided by a respondent is proprietary unless it is conspicuously marked on a page-by-page basis. Moreover, the Government does not assume any duty to contact a respondent and inquire whether any unmarked information submitted in response to this RFI is proprietary. 4.3 Submission Requirements: Responses shall be submitted electronically via e-mail or mailed to PEO Land Systems/Program Manager Amphibious Assault Vehicle - CT 2.8, Attn: Beverly Summerson, Contract Specialist, 105 Tech Parkway, Stafford, VA 22556, beverly.summerson@usmc.mil. Responses submitted by mail must include one (1) electronic copy on CD or DVD. The Government will not return any material submitted in response to this RFI. All responses must include the following information: company name; company address; company business size; Commercial Activity Government Entity (CAGE) code, and POC name, phone number, and e-mail address. Responses shall not include classified data. Please note that telephone replies will not be accepted. All responses shall also reference RFI #: M67854-18-R-0004. 4.4 Questions: Questions or comments regarding this notice may be submitted via e-mail only to: Beverly Summerson, Contract Specialist, at beverly.summerson@usmc.mil. All correspondence shall reference "RFI No. M67854-18-R-0004" and include company name; company address; CAGE code, and POC name, phone number, and e-mail address. The Government intends to respond to as many questions as practical and will respond to questions via amendment to this announcement posted to Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) so that all interested parties will benefit from the same information. However, if some of the answers to industry's questions include FOUO classified information, only vendors certified by the JCP administered by the DLIS will be eligible to download the document with Government's response. 4.5 Future Updates: Any subsequent procurement notifications will be posted on the FBO website at https://www.fbo.gov/. All interested parties are encouraged to register on the FBO website to receive email notifications when information related to this acquisition is updated, or documents related to this acquisition are issued and available for download. The Government requests that all interested parties ensure that they are listed on the "Interested Vendors List" in FBO. As a rule, the Government will not send notifications directly to interested parties, and it is recommended that the interested parties periodically check this website for updates. 4.6 Response Deadline of Submissions: Responses are requested no later than Monday 27 November 2017, at 1400 Eastern Time.

Contracting Office Address :

2200 Lester Street Quantico, Virginia 22134 United States

Primary Point of Contact. :

Beverly M. Summerson,

Contract Specialist


Phone: (703) 784-1297

Secondary Point of Contact :

John L. Adams,

Contract Specialist


Phone: 7037841277

원본 URL: https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=c34a62a842d00b6356ce627e11b708fc&tab=core&_cview=0