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한상넷 로고한상넷

[미국] Beaver Island Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project


공고명: Beaver Island Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project

게시일: 2017/09/21

마감일: 2017/11/08

수행지역: 미국

카테고리: 31 - 제조부품




Solicitation Number :


Notice Type :

Special Notice


Synopsis :

Added: Sep 18, 2017 3:31 pm
This is a SOURCES SOUGHT and is for informational/market research purposes only. THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL, QUOTATION OR BID, NOR A SYNOPSIS OF A PROPOSED CONTRACT ACTION UNDER FAR SUBPART 5.2. GENERAL INFORMATION: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, is seeking businesses that are capable of providing the following: Beaver Island Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project. The project is located within the Mississippi River, with no land access, in the upper third of Pool 14 along the right descending bank of the Mississippi River, adjacent to the City of Clinton, Clinton County, Iowa, between river miles 513.0 and 517.0. Areas considered as part of this Project and described as the Project area include Beaver Island, Beaver Slough, Albany Island, and Albany Slough. The Project area contains about 1,678 acres of interconnected backwaters, secondary channels, wetlands, and floodplain habitat. This announcement is for information and planning purposes only and is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government, implied or otherwise, to issue a solicitation or make a contract award. NO AWARD will be made from this Sources Sought Notice. This is NOT a request for proposal, quote or invitation for bid. The sole purpose of this notice is to identify potential System for Award Management (SAM) Database registered businesses that are interested and capable of performing this work. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The purpose of the project is to restore and protect off-channel aquatic, wetland, and floodplain forest habitats. All work will be within the river, subject to water fluctuations. There is no land access to this project. All work will require river access. Approximately 80 acres of the island will require tree clearing, with cleared material transported off site and disposed of by the Contractor. These areas will then receive the excavated material and be shaped in preparation for floodplain forest development. Mechanical excavation or dredging of backwater lakes and channels will be required. Channel depths are up to 10 feet below flat pool and will have a channel bottom between 30 and 100 feet wide. Quantities excavated will be approximately 310,000 CY of material over a total channel length approaching 10,000 feet. Excavated material will be transported from the channel cuts to placement sites. This material will be handled multiple times. Side casting will only be possible for a minor portion of the material removed from the dredge cuts. Placement sites are located at a minimum of 30 feet from the channel cut, and in many locations further than 30 feet from the channel cut. The placement sites themselves vary in width ranging from approximately 100 feet wide to 600 feet wide. Material will be required to remain within the placement site limits, with no material allowed to reenter the channel cut or within a 30 foot exclusion zone surrounding the channel cut. Trees outside of the placement site limits will not be damaged or removed. The placement sites will be used for topographic diversity sites within the island. A top elevation will not be allowed to exceed at the placement sites, and material will be required to be spread evenly across the placement sites in preparation for tree planting. Shaping of these sites to maintain a side slope will also be required. The sites will be seeded with specified seed mixes. Riprap placement in water will be required to construct a chevron and a closure structure. Varying water depths will be encountered. Specific heights, slopes and lengths will be required. Additional riprap will be required for bankline protection. Approximately 21,000 TN of riprap of various sizes will be required. Additionally, river stone will be placed adjacent to banklines to create mussel habitat. The construction of this project is anticipated to take two years. SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Responses to this Sources Sought notice must be submitted electronically (via email) to: Contract Specialist, Anne Fleischman, at Anne.m.fleischman@usace.army.mil no later than 1:00 p.m. central time, November 8th, 2017. All interested, responsive, and responsible SAM Database registered businesses are encouraged to participate in this sources sought by emailing the required information below to the point of contact listed above. If you are not SAM registered, please do so at www.sam.gov. Interested businesses shall include the following information to be considered for this Sources Sought announcement:1. Company name, address, point of contact, phone number/email address and CAGE Code2. Three references of successful excavation or dredging within a riverine system3. Three references of successful riprap or stone placement within a riverine system.4. Three references of soil shaping. 5. Company's interest if a solicitation for this project is issued6. Company's business category and size7. Company's capability to perform on the project description outlined above Disclaimer and Important Notes. This notice does not obligate the Government to award a contract. No reimbursement will be made for any costs associated with providing information in response to this Sources Sought or any follow up information. The Government reserves the right to use information provided by respondents for any purpose deemed necessary and legally appropriate. Any organization responding to this notice should ensure that its response is complete and sufficiently detailed to allow the Government to determine the organization's qualifications to perform the work. Respondents are advised that the Government is under no obligation to acknowledge receipt of the information received or to provide feedback to respondents with respect to any information submitted. After a review of the responses a solicitation may be published in Federal Business Opportunities. However, re


원본 URL: https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=4c669a9b5988e719a66630dfb74a800a&tab=core&_cview=0