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한상넷 로고한상넷

[미국] Request for Information

공고명: Request for Information

게시일: 2017/07/28

마감일: 2017/08/18

수행지역: 미국

카테고리: 31 - 제조부품 




Solicitation Number :


Notice Type :

Sources Sought


Synopsis :

Added: Jul 21, 2017 9:21 am Modified: Jul 27, 2017 4:42 pmTrack Changes
Background: The requirement for all Federal Agencies to receive an unmodified financial statement audit opinion has placed significant burden on the DIA's existing acquisition and financial environment. Currently critical planning, budgeting, acquisition, accounting, and other financial functions are broken into multiple disparate and mostly outdated systems and/or manual processes. The critical reliance on these manual processes and subsequent validations of manual processes significantly increases the number of Federal and Contracted FTE's to overcome known system challenges. This current environment is expensive to maintain/update, and significantly hinders the agency's ability to achieve an unmodified financial statement audit opinion. Currently, the DIA utilizes the National Security Agency's Financial Management System (FMS) as the financial system of record. The FMS provides accounting, asset management, and other financial functionality data to the DIA's Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) for reporting purposes. It is anticipated that FMS will remain the agency's financial system of record and any solution presented in response to this RFI will continue to receive financial data from the FMS system. In addition, the DIA uses the CACI "Comprizon Suite" Contract Management System (CMS) to create, route, approve, commit, and obligate funds, and the PeopleSoft mYHR system as the human resource management system. For the scope of this RFI, it can be assumed that PeopleSoft mYHR will remain in place. The functions of planning, budgeting, spend plan development and, portfolio management are all conducted via a myriad of old, internally developed or COTS, stove-piped systems that have achieved end-of-life. Information Request: The DIA is requesting information on any system, system-of-systems, or on-going programs which will provide the capability to perform planning and budgeting (down to individual spend plan lines and identifiers), and possibly contracting/acquisition functions, automatically interface this data with the FMS as necessary, and facilitate financial reporting (based on data received by the systems of record, mYHR, and FMS) upon funds commitment, obligation, expense, receipt of goods, and any other transaction of record required to support an unmodified financial statement audit opinion. In addition, it is desired that the proposed system(s) also facilitate a portfolio management functionality allowing the alignment of budget lines, acquisitions and expenses to specific and discrete portfolio capabilities. The following performance parameters/characteristics/approaches are of specific interest: ? Solution will operate in a Top Secret/SCI accredited environment and must be accredited to that level? Solution must support the Office of the Director of National Intelligence's (ODNI) goals for commonality "do in common" and "build to share," as well as leverage technology to increase effectiveness and drive efficiency? Solution must be cloud based and data centric - decoupling data from input/reporting mechanisms? Solution must support an attribute based access control (ABAC) methodology currently being developed by the IC? Solution must support users across the globe and across the IC? Solution is anticipated to operate in, and must be compatible with, the classified cloud environment (which is based on Amazon Web Services (AWS))? Solution will need to interface with existing human resource management system (PeopleSoft mYHR), the external Financial Accounting System (FMS), and possibly other systems of record (CMS) for the input and extract of appropriate reporting data? Solution will need to facilitate auditability of all financial transactions from conception (i.e. business case, advanced purchase request), execution (funds commitment and obligation), expense of funds, and receipt and tracking of assets/goods through final disposition and statutory reporting for all appropriate acquisitions in accordance with Federal, DoD, IC, and other applicable policies, standards, and/or guidance? Solution will need to support generation of financial statements, schedules, data mining and ad hoc reporting? Solution should adhere to current industry best practice and standards for Enterprise Data/Information Management and Data Governance including but not limited to:o Enter once, use manyo Data Warehousingo Master Data Managemento Metadata Managemento Data Quality Management? Solution must support financial accounting information from multiple Federal entities? Solution will need to support agency wide and departmental dashboardsThe solution/system must contain sufficient configuration flexibility to achieve all stated functionality; this may include existing Government off-the-shelf (GOTS) products, Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products, custom development, or any mixture of the above to accomplish this functionality. As this is not viewed as a simple technology insertion exercise, the government is also interested in the vendor's philosophy, methodology, and processes (high overview) for a comprehensive business process engineering (BPE) effort in conjunction with the technology insertion/enhancements. The vendors are requested to include a brief description of their approach to BPE with respect to the above factors. Interested parties must submit information on available solutions/systems.  Submittals may not exceed ten (10) 8.5" x 11" pages, with 1" inch margins using Times New Roman 12 fonts. All submittals should be sent to esther.woods@dodiis.mil no later than 18 August 2017.

Contracting Office Address :

Bolling AFB, Bldg. 6000 AE-2 Washington, District of Columbia 20340-5100

Place of Performance :

Washington, District of Columbia United States

Primary Point of Contact. :

Esther Woods


Phone: 7037356411


원본 URL: https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=df47c22f9349d931191a9c69e9f9fdbf&tab=core&_cview=1