이 누리집은 대한민국 공식 전자정부 누리집입니다.

한상넷 로고한상넷

[카타르] Khalifa Bin Nasser(KBN), Sales Engineer (남성/1명)

직종 : 그 외 기술영업 및 중개 관련 종사자

모집인원 : 1명

국가 : 카타르

자격요건 학력 : 대학(교)졸업

경력 : 5년이상 ~ 6년이하

외국어능력 : <필수> 영어 : 최상, <선택> 아랍어 : 중

- 남성 Sales Engineer( Engineering 학위 보유자) 모집
Market and promote products and services of the company.

• Understand and prospects clients for new business opportunity.
• Review projects participation of the products and services that the company will enter including market analysis and proposal to the management.
• Aspire to meet sales target and innovate for improvements in a defined timeframe.
• Prepares detailed, accurate bids and proposals. Executes timely prior approvals, properly coordinates bids, writes thorough and timely quotes and sends timely scope letters
• Promptly submits accurate and thorough submittals with a good choice of most economical products, and takes appropriate risks
• Punctual with commitments to customers, phone calls, job problems, and credit issues. Follow up on jobs after bid and obtain appropriate information and close orders. Prepares equipment orders in a precise and timely fashion.
• Performs routine sales duties with little to no supervision, including planning and executing daily activities i.e. sales calls, lunches, customer entertainment, and factory visits.
• Accepts new assignment assumes additional duties when necessary even though these efforts may not contribute directly to income; works for the common good
• Provides input to sales management for testimonials, case studies and reference letters
• Works with customer service people, regional sales managers, service and warranty people, and develops positive productive relations with them
• Influences consulting engineers to keep specs current with technology and industry practices to avoid unnecessary job costs and confusion
• Cooperates and communicates effective with inside salespeople, other LONG sales personnel and managers, office staff, sales manager, and supplier personnel
• Demonstrates proper and ethical judgment and decision-making skills
• Successfully communicates with, trains, and challenges their assigned inside person
• Generates and executes sales plans for specific accounts including: owners, consulting engineers, and installing contractors
• Pursues orders for equipment by following projects from the planning stage through to completion
• Coordinates order status, installation assistance, and warranty administration with customers, manufacturers, and other LONG personnel
• Other duties as assigned

그 외 자격요건

- 카타르 거주자 (우대)
- GCC 및 카타르 경력자 (우대)
- 운전면허증 소지자(필수)
- Engineering 학위 보유자 (필수)

Bachelors' degree in Engineering
• Minimum 5 years' experience successfully selling and/or applying equipment, products and services.
• Possesses the practical/technical knowledge required to apply and sell II products, and pursues additional job related knowledge
• Excellent initiative and interpersonal communication skills
• Strong technical writing skills
• Demonstrated ability to influence the decision-making process and key levels
• Ability to communicate with all levels of the organization with professionalism

급여사항(년) : 협의

계약기간 :  [정규직] 0개월

비자타입 : 취업비자

기타 근로조건:

- 지원문의 : KOTRA 카타르 도하무역관 (recruitdoha9@gmail.com)

모집기간 : 2016-06-22 ~ 2016-07-06

출국예정일 : 2016-09-30

필수서류 : 영문이력서

기타서류 :


1) 월드잡(WWW.WORLDJOB.OR.KR) 회원가입
2) 로그인 후 국문이력서 작성 (STEP 1~5 완료)
3) 해외채용정보에서 모집건 클릭
4) 지원하기


글로벌일자리지원국 콜센터 : 1577-9997
(채용기업 담당자 연락처는 기업의 요구에 따라 공개하지 않습니다.)

담당자 : KOTRA

* 이 구인건의 면접은 화상면접으로 진행될 예정입니다.
(업체 사정에 따라 전화면접으로 진행될 수 있음)
★★★ 면접 대상자는 개별통보 합니다.

※ 본 공고와 관련한 추후 면접진행 및 채용과정, 당사자간 합의 및 계약 사항에 대해서는
KOTRA가 책임지지 않음을 알려드리오니 착오없으시기 바랍니다.

※ 위 기재된 출국예정일은 업체 사정상 변경 될 수 있음을 알려드립니다.