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[영국] Wichelstowe Public Square & Footbridge

공고명: Wichelstowe Public Square & Footbridge

게시일: 2018/03/08

마감일: 2018/04/04

수행지역: 영국

카테고리: 31 - 제조부품


Description Swindon Borough Council invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced service providers for the provision of a new public square and footbridge at Wichelstowe. The works comprise new areas of public realm within the Wichelstowe District Centre including the delivery of drainage, paving, planting islands and street furniture in the square along with the steel footbridge and its landing structures. The bridge incorporates public art and the design has been developed with artist Sebastien Boyesen who will provide input during the construction phase. The District Centre will become an active construction site and the contractor will need to liaise with the managing contractor and adjoining developers to maintain a safe and efficient site. During construction the contractor will need to note the interfaces with the Hall and Woodhouse development and the works to both the road and canal which form the eastern and western boundaries and which are under construction. The Hall and Woodhouse pub / restaurant is programmed to open in early 2019 and it is therefore essential that these works are delivered to provide access to the building. It is anticipated that the value of the works will be in excess of ??2million with the works commencing in June 2018. Full details relating to the Works are provided in the tender documents. To participate, Suppliers will need to Register as a Supplier with ProContract, www.supplyingthesouthwest.org.uk, then Register an Interest before obtaining access to the tender documents. In the event of difficulties registering as a supplier, please refer to the System Administrator Proactis support team ProContractSuppliers@proactis.com Please note that this is a Restricted, two stage procurement and only the Selection Questionnaire is required to be completed during the first stage. The draft tender documents which may be subject to amendments are included for information at this stage. The formal tender documents will be issued to the shortlisted suppliers for completion and submission. Questionnaire Responses are required to be submitted no later than Wednesday 4th April 2018, 1200 noon UK Local time by e-mail to Emma Leake only. Tender clarifications are to be submitted in writing via Messaging in the ProContract tender portal, including the project reference and title clearly in the Subject title. The Council's responses to these clarification questions will be issued periodically via Messaging in ProContract tender portal. Please note that this project has been advertised on Contracts Finder/ other web portals, however, Supplying the South West Portal, https:/

원본 URL: https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/8a7c982f-06ad-495b-8e36-223ae2409faf?p=@8=UFQxUlRRPT0=NjJNT0