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Croatia-Zagreb: Guard services

공고명: Croatia-Zagreb: Guard services
게시일: 2016/09/09
마감일: 2016/09/27
수행지역: 크로아티아
카테고리80: - 경영관련업



공고명: Croatia-Zagreb: Guard services
게시일: 2016/09/09
마감일: 2016/09/27
수행지역: 크로아티아
 카테고리80: - 경영관련업

TI Title Croatia-Zagreb: Architectural and related services
 ND Document number 311663-2016
 PD Publication date 08/09/2016
 OJ OJ S 173
 AU Authority name Grad Zagreb (61817894937)
 OL Original language HR
 HD Heading - - Services - Contract notice - Open procedure
 CY Country HR
 AA Type of authority 3 - Regional or local authority
 HA EU Institution -
 DS Document sent 06/09/2016
 DT Deadline 19/10/2016
 NC Contract 4 - Services
 PR Procedure 1 - Open procedure
 TD Document 3 - Contract notice
 RP Regulation 4 - European Union
 TY Type of bid 1 - Submission for all lots
 AC Award criteria 1 - Lowest price
 PC CPV code 71200000 - Architectural and related services
 OC Original CPV code 71200000 - Architectural and related services
 RC NUTS code HR011
 DI Directive Classical Directive (2004/18/EC)  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------    08/09/2016 S173 - - Services - Contract notice - Open procedure
 Croatia-Zagreb: Architectural and related services2016/S 173-311663 Contract notice
 Directive 2004/18/ECSection I: Contracting authorityI.1)Name, addresses and contact point(s)Grad Zagreb
 Avenija Dubrovnik 15
 Contact point(s): Ured za javnu nabavu
 10020 Zagreb
 E-mail: javna.nabava@zagreb.hrInternet address(es):Electronic access to information: https://eojn.nn.hr/SPIN/application/ipn/DocumentManagement/DokumentPodaciFrm.aspx?OznakaDokumenta=2016%2fS+002-0019707Electronic submission of tenders and requests to participate: https://eojn.nn.hr/OglasnikFurther information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: Ured za javnu nabavu
 Avenija Dubrovnik 15, I. kat, soba 105
 Telephone: +385 16503788
 E-mail: javna.nabava@zagreb.hr
 Section II: Object of the contractII.1)DescriptionII.1.6)Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)71200000Description
 Architectural and related services. Section IV: ProcedureIV.3)Administrative informationIV.3.3)Conditions for obtaining specifications and additional documents or descriptive documentIV.3.4)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
 19.10.2016 - 09:30
 IV.3.6)Language(s) in which tenders or requests to participate may be drawn up

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