
[레바논] 박찬진 대사/Al Nahar지/인터뷰

South Korean Ambassador believes in dialogue between cultures 
Chan-jin Park: I hope Lebanon would become a real democracy unaffected by sectarianism

박찬진 주레바논대사, 2008.12.20(토), Al Nahar지

1. 기사 주요 내용

   ㅇ 레바논은 역사 및 지정학적 요인으로 종파간 합의에 기초한 민주주의(consensual democracy)를 실행하고 있는 바, 종파주의에 구애받지 않는 진정한 민주주의를 달성하기 위해서는 종파의 이익을 초월, 레바논 국민들의 공동이익을 추구하는 레바논 정치인들의 좀 더 많은 노력이 아쉬움.

    ㅇ 레바논이 자국의 평화와 안정, 번영을 위해 국제사회의 도움을 많이 필요로 하고 있는 이러한 배경에서 1989년 “Taef 협약”, 2008년 5월“Doha 합의” 등이 도출되었고, 최근 레바논 재건 지원을 위한 2006년 Stockholm 회의, 2007년 Paris III 회의 등이 개최되었음을 지적하며, 이러한 국제사회의 도움은 레바논의 과거 역사나 지정학적 위치로 기인한 점이 있음.

    ㅇ 내년도 레바논 총선이 평화롭고 순조롭게 이루어지기를 기대하는 한편, 레바논의 평화와 안정, 결속과 번영, 완전한 독립과 주권의 달성은 주재국 자구 노력과 국제사회의 지원 노력이 결합될 때 이루어 질 것임.

        - 우리나라도 레바논 재건 지원을 위한 2006년 Stockholm 회의, 2007년 Paris III 국제 회의에 참석하고 그 공약 이행차원에서 레바논내 2개 학교를 건설중에 있으며, 최근에는 “Nahr el Bared" "팔”캠프 지원을 위한 비엔나 국제회의 참석(10만불 지원), 주재국 남부 지뢰제거 사업 지원 등 레바논 평화와 안정을 위해 기여하고 있음.

2. 기사 영문 번역본

South Korean Ambassador believes in dialogue between cultures 
Chan-jin Park: I hope Lebanon would become a real democracy unaffected by sectarianism

Chan-jin Park considers that “one of the diplomat’s duties is guaranteeing dialogue between cultures”. This role is successfully played by the Ambassador of South Korea in Beirut whose love to foreign cultures and languages motivated him to get a specialization in the German language and literature. His rich mission that has started before 30 years led him to different regions in the world. But what he concluded from his experiences in developed and developing countries is that “any country that seeks economic and political prosperity has to guarantee internal peace and security as well as consensus among politicians”.
This calm and gentle diplomat, who loves shortening and summarization, will leave Beirut next February after a mission that lasted three years. He insists on admiring the Lebanese people who is “open, cultivated and descending from the Phoenicians who invented the alphabet”, he realizes that this country practices “consensual democracy that does not exist elsewhere, justified by historical and geographical factors”.
He hopes that “politicians will exercise more efforts to solve the common interest of the Lebanese, more that the interest of a particular sect, where Lebanon would become a real democracy without sectarian affection”.
When he was young, Park had interests in “international affairs, foreign languages and other cultures”; this motivated him to study German language and literature in the National University of Seoul, these interests where behind choosing the diplomatic career. He joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1977 after passing the official exam. His diplomatic activities did not prohibit him from deepening his studies, where he received in 1985 a Master degree from the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna.
According to his specialization in the German language and literature, it is not surprising that his first three missions were in countries which populations speak German. “I have served in the beginning in the city of Bon which was the capital of West Germany at that time. The second mission was in Vienna the capital of Austria. And the third was in the city of Hamburg in northern Germany, which is very famous by its huge harbor”. 

The unification of Germany

His presence in Hamburg coincided with the phase of the unification of Germany, which was an opportunity to live that historical moment and to witness all the festivals that accompanied the event. “It was a very important experience for me especially that my country, the Korean peninsula, is divided between the south and the north, keeping in mind that South Korea is working for the unification”. When he goes back to his experience in Germany, he differentiates between two things: “my impression in Bon was very positive and it seemed that everything which is German is great. But my perception in Hamburg became much more realistic, when I realized that in Germany, as in all countries, there are positive and less positive things”.
His career led him to different countries like Russia and Greece. He served before arriving in Lebanon, in two Arab neighboring states, Kuwait (between 1996 and 1998) and Iraq (2004-2005). “The experience in Baghdad was very difficult, due to the lack of security; we were very cautious in our circulation”. 

Peace and Security

What I have learned from the different missions in developed and developing countries is that “any country seeking political and economic prosperity has to guarantee internal peace and security as well as consensus among politicians”.
What about memories? “My philosophy is to forget difficult memories and keep the happy and good ones only. In all countries where I served, including Lebanon, there are good people with whom I will preserve my friendship”.
Park stressed on the culture to enhance the relations between people as well as countries citing that differences among cultures prohibit sometimes the complete enhancement of relations between states. But he adds: “I felt sometimes a cultural difference with some people in countries where I served. But one of the diplomat’s duties is to understand deeply the culture of the hosting country and guarantee the dialogue between cultures. I did not encounter difficulties resulted from differences between cultures”.

The Phoenician ancestors

When I learned that I have been appointed as Ambassador in Beirut in February 2006, I was very pleased, “because this country is magnificent in its nature; its people are cultivated and open. Why not, when the Lebanese ancestors are the Phoenicians who invented the alphabet. The Lebanese are talented; some of them are migrants playing major role outside, for example in the US and in Europe. The wealthiest man in the world is Carlos Slim a Mexican with Lebanese origins. In South Korea, there is a man from Lebanese origin occupying the position of the director of S-Oil Company”. As well in the Arab Gulf, the Lebanese are successful due to their languages proficiency and their skills in management and engineering. I highly admire the Lebanese”.
The politics in Lebanon is distinguished, “we already know that Lebanon practices consensual democracy, which is not available in any other country. There are many noble politicians in Lebanon, but I hope they would exercise more efforts to serve the common interest of the Lebanese, more that the interest of a particular sect. I hope Lebanon would become a real democracy without sectarian affection”.      

Relying on the International Community

What surprised and scared me in Lebanon were “the security incidents, from July war which erupted four months after my arrival while our daughters were visiting us in Beirut, to many assassinations, and the security confrontations between factions”.
Dealing with Ambassadors in Lebanon is unique also, where this country “is more than other country that relies on the international community to guarantee its peace, stability and prosperity. The proof is the Taef and Doha Accords, the international conferences that aim at supporting Lebanon like the Stockholm Conference, Paris I, Paris II and Paris II. This behavior is probably due to the historical factor and the geographic positioning of this small country that reflects the regional and international disputes, I understand this matter”.
He realized that the Lebanese love to interact with diplomats, which pleases the Ambassadors: “I have received and attended many invitations from Lebanese friends, which gave me an opportunity to discover their culture and hopes”.

Achievements that I will leave behind me

Park who is leaving Beirut next February, after accomplishing a mission of three years, how does he describe the country he is leaving behind? “There are elections next year, I hope that the current peace and stability would be preserved and would lead the country toward prosperity”.
And if there are some difficult memories, like the July war and the assassinations, there are other happy ones, represented by his Lebanese friends, and his efforts to support Lebanon in preserving peace and stability. He clarifies in this context that “we took part in the Stockholm Conference, and Paris Conferences, and we are constructing two schools in Brital and Tebnin. We have also participated in the Vienna Conference for the reconstruction of Naher El Bared camp and in demining activities. These good memories and achievements I will leave behind me”.
He will miss “the plural Lebanese culture, the delicious food, and the beautiful and open people, but he will not miss disputes and wars”.
His message to the Lebanese is summarized by “the most important condition for prosperity is the self-support; without it there will not be development. Surely, there is a necessity to have a support from the international community. The two conditions are important”.

Diplomacy and Justice

Park benefited from his mission in Lebanon through visits to many historical monuments, and through practicing many hobbies including skiing and golf. He listens to the wonderful musical performance of the national orchestra.
If he was not a diplomat, he had chosen to be a judge. “I agreed with my wife that this career suits my character to the extreme extend; this career is in harmony with my love to justice, keeping in mind that I am very happy to be Ambassador”. 

첨부. 기사 원문.  끝.
