
[캄보디아]신현석대사/Angkor Thom잡지/인터뷰

Interview with the Angkor Thom Magazine
H.E. Shin Hyun-suk, Ambassador of the ROK
(September 26, 2007)

1. First of all, Your Excellency – Ambassador of the Republic of Korea tells Cambodians briefly about your background and the history of your work, especially, out and in Cambodia.

o First, on the auspicious occasion of 10th anniversary of re-establishing diplomatic relations between Cambodia and Korea, I wish to convey my sincere greetings to the readers of the Angkor Thom Magazine.

o Cambodia is my first posting as Ambassador, which I took up in March, 2006. I am a career diplomat. I used to be the director-general of press and public relations in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Korea.

o Over the past one year and half since my arrival in Phnom Penh as Ambassador in March 2006, I have witnessed our bilateral relations between the ROK and Cambodia have been remarkably enhanced in all areas. Last year, there were official visit to Korea by Prime Minister Hun Sen, state visit to Cambodia by President Roh Moo-hyun, and successful co-hosting of the Angkor-Gyeongju World Culture Expo in Siem Reap. These events are highlight of the excellent bilateral relations between our two countries.

2. When did the Republic of Korea establish its first diplomatic relations with Cambodia?

o The official diplomatic relationship was forged between the two countries in 1970, but it was ruptured for 21 years since 1975 when Khmer Rouge took power.

3. When did the Republic of Korea re-establish its diplomatic relations with Cambodia?

o The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea in Cambodia was set up in 1996, and the bilateral diplomatic relations were normalized in 1997.

o I highly appreciate Prime Minister Hun Sen’s thoughtful, wise and far-sighted decision in 1996 to restore bilateral relations between Cambodia and Korea. Without his decision, the excellent bilateral relations of today could not have been possible.

4. Since the two countries have established their normal relations, in what field that the Republic of Korea helped Cambodia?

o As of 2006, Korea is ranked the 1st place in the field of foreign direct investment and tourism and is playing leading roles in the fields of development cooperation, IT industry, vocational training, and cultural exchanges.

o Korea has been ranked the largest group of foreigners visiting Cambodia for the past 3 consecutive years. Total 285,000 Korean tourists visited Cambodia in 2006. Korean Air and Asiana Airlines are providing direct airline service between Phnom Penh-Seoul and Siem Reap-Seoul.

o Currently, Korea is providing support to Cambodia approximately 40 million dollars annually in terms of both EDCF loans and grant aid.

o Since 2003, under the Industrial Trainee System, about 4,000 Cambodian workers have been allowed to Korea for the acquisition of the advanced technology.

o Cultural exchanges such as co-hosting of Angkor-Gyeongju World Culture Expo 2006, Korean Arts performances in Cambodia, Cambodian Arts performances in Korea, and annual Korean Film Festival in Phnom Penh is catalyst to boost overall bilateral relations.

5. In what fields is the Republic of Korea mostly interested in? Why does the Republic of Korea have an interest in helping Cambodia?

o Korea wants and is able to contribute to the development of Cambodia in many fields. In particular, Korea has the comparative advantage in the fields of constructing infrastructure, manufacture, information and communications technology. Korea also has strong interest in the exploration of natural resources and tourism sectors.

o Korea is regarded as a model of Asian developed country which started from one of underdeveloped agricultural country. Now, as the 11th largest economic power in the world Korea has responsibility to share with other developing countries like Cambodia the know-how and expertise of successful economic development.

6. Until now, how total funds do the Republic of Korea help Cambodia? Majority in what field? And what kind of its donations?

o Korea is contributing to the rehabilitation and national development of Cambodia with the ODA and the support from the private sector.

o ODA can be divided into EDCF(Economic Development Cooperation Fund) loans and grant aid through the KOICA(Korea International Cooperation Agency). Currently, Korea is giving support to Cambodia approximately 40 million dollars annually in terms of both EDCF loans and grant aid. 

o Three EDCF-funded projects have been completed so far and three other projects such as Kraing Ponley River Basin Multi-Purpose Water Resources Development project, Rehabilitation of National Road No. 3 Project Phase II, Provincial Administration Information System and National Information Infrastructure(PAIS & NII) project will soon be launched.

o KOICA''''s grant aid has been growing steadily. The total volume of grant aid of 2007 is 7 million dollars and is expected to grow in the years to come.

o At the same time, about 70 KOICA volunteers are currently working and teaching around the country in such areas as health, vocational training, and rural development.

o Also, there is a number of Korean NGOs and companies that assist Cambodia in the areas of education, health and rural development.

o Korea is also providing technical assistance to establish stock and bonds markets in Cambodia.

7. How many Khmer-Laborers are sent to work in Korea? What does the government of the Republic of Korea help them ?

o Korea welcomes Cambodian workers very much because they are sincere, hard-working and good-mannered people. Since 2003, about 4,000 Cambodian workers have been allowed to Korea under the Industrial Trainee System. This system was abolished in 2006. However, Cambodia is able to send workforce to Korea under newly introduced system called Employment Permit System(EPS) starting from this year. Cambodian workers in Korea are generally employed in manufacturing sector.

8. In Cambodia, how many Korean companies are investing? And in what field?

o There are many Korean companies in sectors like garment, manufacture, construction, banking, tourism and other services. Major Korean companies are 35 garment companies, KTC Cable company, MH-Bio company, Tongyang investment, Camko Bank, Shinhan Bank, World City, Hanil Construction, Posco Construction, Imperial Garden Villa and Hotel etc. Korean Air and Asiana Airlines are providing direct airline service between Phnom Penh-Seoul and Siem Reap-Seoul.

o In 2006, Korean investment to Cambodia reached 1.1 billion dollars. Thus, Korea became the largest investor country in Cambodia.

9. What kinds of Korean products are exported to Cambodia ? How much is its total trade ?

o The trade relationship between two countries is not active yet compared with other sectors.

o The volume of annual Korean exports to Cambodia amounts to 150 million dollars. The volume of annual Korean imports from Cambodia amounts to 6 million dollars due to Cambodia''''s fragile export products

o Main reason of this trade imbalance is that the import from Korea of machinery and fabrics increased sharply following Korean investment in Cambodia.

o In the future, I expect the trade between two countries will be enlarged and balanced, with the development of Cambodia.

10. Reportedly, a vehicle plant will be set up in Cambodia by the    Korean company, is it real or not ? If it will, when ?

o I have heard that one Korean automobile company has keen interest to invest in Cambodia, but I do not have any concrete information yet on this matter.

 11. For Cambodian development, as well as, its people upgrading  living standards, what project will the Republic of Korea share ?

o First, there are several projects funded by Korean government’s loans. These are;

(1) Krang Ponley Water Resources Development Project (26.7 million dollars),
(2) Provincial Administration Information System and National Information Infrastructure Project (PAIS; 31 million dollars), and
(3) National Road No. 3 Rehabilitation Project linking Phnom Penh and Kampot (36 million dollars).

o As for the major projects made by Korea’s private sector, I have to mention first about the KTC cables company, which was inaugurated by Prime Minister Hun Sen in April, 2006, with the 20 million dollars’ investment.

o In November, 2006, MH Bio-Energy Group was inaugurated by Commerce Minister Cham Prasidh with the 25 million dollars’ investment. This company will produce alcohol and bio-ethanol by processing Tapioca and, in this way, will help to increase the income of the Cambodian farmers.

o There are also big construction projects like CamKo City Project with the initial investment of nearly 1 billion dollars. I have no doubt that the CamKo City Project will open a new era of modern city concept and planning in Cambodia.

o Also, one Korean company called Booyoung Construction Co. recently made donation to the Cambodian government of more than 10 million dollars to build about 300 school buildings nationwide and to install dozens of thousands of blackboards.

o Lastly, I have to mention about recently made airline investment, which makes 22 direct weekly flights available between Korea and Cambodia.

12. In the past there was contention that Cambodian worker who  wants to work in Korea needs to pay or commission of $1,000- 2,000 to broker or to the company. How about Your Excellency’s  idea on this issue?

o I heard that it was caused by some companies in the past. As part of efforts to improve transparency, Korean government has established a new system called Employment Permit System. Now public state institution is fully in charge of this matter. It selects, train and send workers to Korea. I guess total expense is about $700-800 for one worker which costs on training, getting visa, passport, air ticket and all other formalities. This is a minimum expense that Cambodian workers could afford it.
13. Korean TV-Series are the most popular drama for Cambodians; it sounds the positive sign for the bilateral cultural relations; for your point of view, what will the Korea and Cambodia do for their cultural promotion ?

o I am happy to hear that Cambodians are very fond of Korean TV dramas. It is probably because we two people share many common values and cultural background in the broad sense. In this connection, Lady Han, heroin actress of popular Korean TV drama “Jewel in the Palace” visited Cambodia in August, 2006, as special envoy of friendship to further strengthen the bilateral ties of Korea and Cambodia and Korea and ASEAN in general.

o I think cultural cooperation is very important in promoting bilateral relations. Cultural cooperation is the basis upon which the bilateral relations of politics, economy, and trade can be further revitalized. In this sense, Angkor-Gyeongju World Culture Expo which was held in Siem Reap from Nov. 21, 2006 through Jan. 9, 2007 was very significant event in the history of our bilateral relations. Currently, Gyeongju World Culture Expo is being held in Gyeongju in Korea. Thankfully, Cambodia is participating in this event with a massive delegation of 80 members.

o I want to inform you with pleasure that the Department of Korean studies was just opened this month in the Royal University of Phnom Penh. Cultivating Korean experts in Cambodia is very important for the long-term relations of both countries.

 /The End/

[첨부] Ankor Thom 기사원문