
[터키] 김창엽대사/Turkish Daily News/기고문



                    In Celebration of the 50th Anniversaryof

the Diplomatic Relationsbetween the Republic of

            Korea and the Republic of Turkey

-Chang-yeob Kim,

Ambassador ofthe Republic of Korea 


Turkey is one of friendliest countries to Koreans and probably is the onlycountry the Koreans readily call as brother country. The first Turkish phrasethat I learned since my arrival from my Turkish colleagues was “Kan Karde?.” Its literal translation being “blood brother”, it means a brother whomI share blood relations with and this short phrase shows how closely relatedboth countries are, as we together value highly kinship and friendship. As Istay more in Turkey,I find more this proximity of cultures and values of both countries despite oftheir geographical remoteness.


This year marks the 50th anniversaryof the establishment of the diplomatic relations between Korea and Turkey and in order to celebrate thisremarkable occasion, both governments have agreed to hold various culturalevents. These events are being prepared for the purpose of making citizens ofboth countries to know better as well as to get closer. My wish is to make theanniversary a pivotal event, by commemorating which both countries can developmore concrete, future-oriented and mutually beneficial relations.


Recently,the Koreans become more attracted by Turkey, and show more interests indiverse aspects of Turkish society. The number of Korean visitors to Turkey last year reached 110,000 and this numberhas doubled since 2004, when only around 55,000 Koreans visited Turkey.It is even more noticeable that the total number of foreign tourists to Turkeyhas decreased last year, while the number of Korean visitors is rising everyyear. This year, more than 120,000 Koreans are expected to come to Turkeyand as both governments signed the Tourism Cooperation Agreement last year, thenumber of visitors is likely to increase steadily every year.


Differentfrom European tourists choosing to relax in remote resort areas, Korean visitorsmake trips to historical sites as well as major cities in Turkey. As a result, when they returnhome, they become acquainted well with Turkey, amazed by its rich historyand culture. In this regard, a more systematic assistance to Korean visitors isneeded in Turkey.In tandem with increasing interests in both countries, there is a growing need forus to work together to educate languages and cultures of both countries to respectivecitizens.   


It is heartening to see that in Turkeyevery year dozens of Turkish students graduate from the Korean languagedepartments of universities. Opportunities for those Korean-speaking Turkishstudents to study in Koreahave been widened thanks to various scholarship programs. Also, increasingnumber of Korean companies launch their Turkish office, ready to hire thoseTurkish young generation. Our endeavors will be centered on advancing thoseKorean studies into a broader sense of Korean education including politics,economics, management, and international studies. 


It is my knowledge that the cognitive spacebetween different countries can be narrowed by having local experts. Owing totheir contribution, citizens become more aware of foreign countries and moreinterested in their societies. With this perspective in mind, we make effortsto introduce a broad range of Korean studies in Turkish academic institutions,at this juncture of celebrating the 50th anniversary.


In the economic front, Korea and Turkey has become fastly closer. Thebilateral trade volume substantially grew to 3.2 billion dollars in late 2006and the Korean companies have continuously increased their investment in Turkey,as investment value reaching 200 million dollars. Currently, more than 35Korean companies run their offices in Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara.


As global industrial development intensifies andcitizens are more wired to each other, there springs more rooms for Korea and Turkey to improve economic cooperation.Especially in high-technology sectors such as electronics, telecommunication,transportation, etc., there are many Korean companies that lead the global advancement.On the other hand, Turkeyhas a high potential of economic development due to its organizedinfrastructure, relatively competitive manpower, and geographical advantages. Aseconomic principle proves itself, more Korean companies have come to Turkey.



The Korean investment is beneficial to theTurkish economic development, in the sense that their activities are buildingfactories, hiring Turkish workers, and exporting manufactured goods to theThird countries rather than focusing on mergers and acquisition which has lessfavorable in terms of benefits to whole economic development. By way of findingcomparative advantages and obtaining finest cooperation formula, both countriescan amplify economic prosperities.


In recent years, political and economiccooperation has intersected continents; Europe and Middle East is no longerinaccessible continent to Korea,and concurrently Asia is not unknown to European or Middle East population. Geographically, Turkey is linked to all these continents.As Turkish political and economic importance proliferates in all continents, itneeds a strong partner in the region. In Asia, Korea can be the most favorablepartner.


Korea stands as akeen player of the most developed Northeast Asia along with China and Japan,and the Korean influence over Southeast Asia and Central Asia has enlarged continuously. The 1500 kilometer vicinity of Korea is the most dynamic region in Asia, populated more densely than the whole inhabitantsin the European continent. As Koreaand Turkey had cooperated successfullyin the global political and economic prosperities, the potential of its cooperationin Asia proves enormous.


Thanksto the contribution that has been made during the Korean War by the Turkishbrothers, Koreawas able to achieve such a vast economic development from the ashes. For Turkey, Korea is a country of opportunitiesas well as a country of heartfelt compassion.


With enthusiasm for abundant possibilities ofmutual cooperation, both governments support a range of anniversary programs thisyear in both countries, starting with Opening Ceremony in Ankaraas well as in Seoulon March 8th, the day when both governments signed the establishmentof diplomatic relations fifty years ago. I hope through these occasions, Koreansand Turkish understand better each other and get closer to each other. Recognizingthe real brotherhood that ties us, we can build higher platform for mutuallybeneficial relations.


첨부. 기사 원본.