
[UAE] 이준재대사/Gulf News/기고문

      New Era of the relationshipbetween UAE and Korea



H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, VicePresident and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, is to visit Koreaon May 21. The visit of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed is the highest ranking official ofthe UAE since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the UAE and theRepublic of Korea in1980. I believe that the visitof H.H. Sheikh Mohammed will open new era of the relationship between the UAEand Korea.


The UAE is the second largest oil supplier and thelargest export market to Korea.In 2006, Koreaimported 12.9 billion US dollar, among them 10.5 billion dollar of oil, andexported 2.9 billion dollars to UAE. The UAE is not only a major oil supplier,but one of the important partners to Korea. More than 70 Koreancompanies opened their branch offices in Dubai, andperforming very active operations in the Middle East.The world tallest building, Burj Dubai, is under the construction by one of themajor Korean construction companies, Samsung. Many Korean companiesare participating in the various important and vital infrastructure projects ofUAE.


Reflecting the close relationship between UAE and Korea,H.E. Roh Moo Hyun paid an official visit to the UAE in May 2006. It was thefirst visit of the Head of State from Korea since the establishment ofofficial ties between our two countries.The visit of H.E. President Roh was an important milestone of thebilateral relations. During his visit the leaders of the two countries agreedto elevate the bilateral cooperative relations to a higher level and establisha future oriented partnership.


The visit of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed will provide anothermomentum for the development of the friendly and cooperative relationship betweenUAE and Korea.Four ministers and a large group of businessmen will accompany H.H. SheikhMohammed. During his visit H.H. Sheikh Mohammed is to meet H.E. President RohMoo Hyun and Prime Minister Han Duk Soo. The leaders of both governments willdiscuss the ways how to develop the current bilateral cooperative relations inthe future.


The Korean government attaches a great importance tothe visit of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed and will make every effort for fruitful andsuccessful visit. H.H. Sheikh Mohammed and UAE businessmen will meet theircounter part and discuss the means to boost trade and investment.


The bilateral relations between our two countries havebeen enhanced rapidly during recent years. The number of visitors reflects theclose relationship between UAE and Korea. In 2006, Korean visitors toUAE recorded 63,650, more than double comparing to 2004. Furthermore, EmiratesAirlines connects Dubai and Seoul with daily direct flights. The UAE isone of the most popular destinations to young Koreans. Korean people know thatUAE is an open society and continues the endeavor to construct new society withharmony and coordination. Someone describes the UAE as an artificial modernoasis which has been constructed in desert.


H.H. Sheikh Mohammed is known as a great leader with avision and insight, who leads the extraordinary development with innovativemeasures. Many Koreans who visit the UAE get a strong impression with theachievements which have been made during the short period of time.They express respect to the leaders who makethe remarkable achievements possible. They want to know who provides the ideaand who realizes the idea.


The UAE has been developed as a hub in the Middle Eastand Korea is located at thecenter of the North East Asia. If we takeadvantage of the geographic merits, the UAE and Koreaare able to play a bridge role which connects the Middle East and North East Asia. It could serve not only for the mutualbenefit of both countries but also neighbor nations of the regions.


I am confident that the visit of H.H. Sheikh Mohammedwill provide a opportunity to open new era of the relationship between the UAEand Korea.


Joon Jae Lee

Ambassador of theRepublic of Korea


영자지 Khaleej Times(2007.5.20), Emirates Today(2007.5.18)에도 수록